Restrictive relative clause exercises pdf

Restrictive and nonrestrictive clauseswhats the difference. Definition of restrictive relative clause thoughtco. Advanced choose the correct response to complete each relative clauses. A nonrestrictive relative clause is formally distinguished in some languages. Identifying restrictive needed an identifying clause restrictive, relative adds information or narrows the noun to a specific one, group, or lot. Feb 26, 2016 your student will identify which relative clauses are restrictive and which are nonrestrictive in this worksheet. A nonrestrictive relative clause can be differentiated from restrictive relative clause easily because it uses commas at the beginning and end of the clause and a relative pronoun that is not used in nonrestrictive relative clause. These are nondefining relative clauses or non restrictive relative clauses. Women who work are happier than women who dont work. A relative pronoun is a word like that or which or who, so a relative clause is a clause that begins with a relative pronoun. If you can express exactly what you want to say, you can avoid confusion, make your conversations easier, and sound a lot more like a native english speaker.

Relative pronoun function direct object of the relative clauselocation of the relative clause its at the. A nonrestrictive clause can be removed without changing the meaning. Relative clauses give us information about the person or thing mentioned. It is placed as close to the np as possible and is used to identify the np, not merely to provide additional information about it. Grammar check restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses part a. A defining relative clause usually comes immediately after the noun it describes. Nonrestrictive relative clause definition and examples. Relative clauses may provide necessary or additional information. A restrictive clause introduces information that is necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Learn more about these constructions by watching the video.

A relative clause connects ideas by using pronouns that relate to something previously mentioned and allows the writer to combine two independent clauses into one sentence. Put another way, a nonrestrictive relative clause doesnt limit or restrict the noun or noun phrase it modifies. In the sentence the dragon who breathed blue fire has retired, who breathed blue fire is a relative clause. While providing brief information about a noun, nonrestrictive relative clauses are not used. Write r on the line if the sentence contains a restrictive clause and nr if it contains a nonrestrictive clause. Defining and nondefinining relative clauses exercises pdf. Introduction to defining clauses purdue writing lab. Relative clausesrelative pronouns mixed relative pronouns 1 level.

When a relative clause merely gives some additional information about the noun, it is called a nondefining or non restrictive relative clause. Note that a nonrestrictive relative clause is not necessary for the identification of the noun. English grammar relative clauses relative clauses introduction there are two types of relative clauses. In addition to introducing the clause, the relative pronoun, in this case who, points back to a noun or pronoun that the clause modifies man. By combining sentences with a relative clause, your text becomes more fluent and you can avoid repeating certain words.

Notice that the relative clause being reduced is restrictive. Setting aside free relatives, 12 most li terature take s the dichotomy between restrictive and. The other type of relative clause adds extra information to the whole of the main clause. In both types of clauses, the relative pronoun can function as a subject, an object, or a possessive pronoun whose. Nonrestrictive clauses depending on the information contained within a clause, it can be either restrictive or nonrestrictive essential or nonessential.

Nondefining relative clauses give us extra information about someone or something. Note that a restrictive relative clause cannot be left out without affecting the meaning of the sentence. We have already talked about restrictive and nonrestrictive adjective clauses. This is a clause that generally modifies a noun or a noun phrase and is often introduced by a relative pronoun which, that, who, whom, whose. A relative clause is also known as an adjective clause. When a relative clause merely gives some additional information about the noun, it is called a nondefining or nonrestrictive relative clause. Relative clauses allow us to get more information into a sentence without needing to start a new one.

Adjective clauses relative pronouns subject quizzes. Relative clauses relative pronouns mixed relative pronouns 1 level. Sunday is the day most countries respect a day of rest in the week. Relative clauses introduction there are two types of relative clauses. A non restrictive relative clause can be differentiated from restrictive relative clause easily because it uses commas at the beginning and end of the clause and a relative pronoun that is not used in non restrictive relative clause. Relative clauses practice relative pronouns exercise 1 2 3 who vs which exercise 1 2 3 which or where exercise drag and drop exercises. An identifying clause restrictive, relative adds information or narrows the noun to a specific one, group, or lot. The relative pronouns who and which can be used to identify or define nouns. Relative clauses nondefining relative clauses grammar. Sentence that became the relative clausemy sister recommended the book. The sentence implies that the speaker has more than one sister, but only one sister in canada is a biologist. Nonrestrictive clauses relative clauses can be broken down into two types. Mar 23, 2020 a nonrestrictive relative clause is a relative clause also called an adjective clause that provides added though not essential information to a sentence. You can cut the sentences into strips and share them among the students, after a few minutes they read the sentences already completed aloud.

Restrictive relative clauses are not set off by commas. If they are necessary we call them restrictive relative clauses if not they are nonrestrictive. Complete the sentences with the correct relative clauses. While providing brief information about a noun, non restrictive relative clauses are not used. Heres a list of all the relative clause exercises on the site. Relative clauses and contact clauses englischtipps. The term track and field refers to athletic events include foot races and jumping and throwing events. Free definingnon defining relative clauses worksheets you have reached the section devoted to defining and nondefining relative clauses which are some intimidating phrases so you might want to leave them out of your introduction and focus on. In 3, the restrictive relative clause who lives in canada restricts my sister by specifying the sister in canada.

The logic of the sentence is often lost if the modifying clause is removed. Relative pronounsthe following relative pronouns are used in defining relative clauses. It limits the general noun to a specific group or one. English esl relative clauses worksheets most downloaded. Nonrestrictive clauses unfamiliar and complexsounding grammatical terms can often intimidate people. Multiple choice, fill in the word, select from drop down levels of exercise. Generally, there are two types of relative clauses. A worksheet with many sentences to complete with the relatives or join two sentences into one by means of a relative clause. The woman who lives across the street watches my cat when i go on vacation. Nondefining relative clauses defining relative clauses these describe the preceding noun in such a way to distinguish it from other nouns of the same class.

Relative clauses learning english grammar collins education. Esl english relative clauses quiz 5 mixed relative. Each type has a different function within a sentence and requires different punctuation. The type of clause determines what kind of relative pronoun to use. We form them by combining the following types of clauses. A restrictive relative clause defines or limits the meaning of the word it modifies, which makes it essential to the meaning of the sentence. Relative clauses can help you express yourself more accurately, which is really important for personal and career advancement. Relative clauses exercise 1 perfect english grammar. Exercises and tests on relative clauses we use relative clauses to give additional information about something without starting another sentence. However once you get used to the vocabulary, talking about and understanding grammar becomes easier. Answer key 1 fill in the gaps with a suitable relative pronoun.

Complete the sentences with relative pronouns or relative adverbs. A nonrestrictive clause, also called a parenthetical or an appositive, contains information that is extra. A relative clause can also modify a pronoun, as in he to whom i have written, or a noun phrase which already contains a modifier, as in the black panther in the tree, which is about to pounce. Home page grammar exercises intermediate relative clause gap fill. Free definingnondefining relative clauses worksheets. Next weekend im going to glasgow, where my sister lives. Dec 28, 2017 restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. Note that a nonrestrictive relative clause is not necessary for the identi. A clause of this kind is essential to clear understanding of the noun. If the sentence was the picture, which billie painted, was in the cubist style, we couldnt delete the relative pronoun. Relative clause exercise 1 2 advanced relative clause exercise 3 4 intermediate pdf exercises. A nonrestrictive relative clause is a relative clause that does not aid in the identification of the referent of its head noun, but only provides information about it.

Exercises with answers and grammar rules with examples. Defining relative clauses also called identifying relative clauses or restrictive relative clauses give detailed information defining a general term or expression. When a relative clause merely gives some additional information about the noun, it is called a nonde. Defining relative clauses exercise 3 make one sentence by changing the sentence in italics into a defining relative clause. Both that and which can be used in this relative clause and the pronoun can be left out because there is a subject. Here the relative clause who is a doctor doesnt identify. What is a nonrestrictive relative clause sil glossary of. The pronoun that is more commonly used, but which is also used, especially when it is preceded by a preposition. A restrictive clause modifies the noun that precedes it in an essential way. Defining clauses restrictive clauses a defining relative clause tells which noun we are talking about. Restrictive and nonrestrictive relative clauses english grammar. The man next door, who works from home, kept an eye on the house for us. In a restrictive clause, on the other hand, the information is related to a word in the main clause.

The letter thatwhich peter has sent to you is in the drawer. These are nondefining relative clauses or nonrestrictive relative clauses. Relative clauses english grammar online free exercises. Review of restrictive relative clauses a restrictive relative clause is introduced by a relative pronoun and modifies a noun phrase np in a main clause.

Esl english relative clauses quiz 5 mixed relative pronouns. Relative clauses b1 pdf worksheets english practice. The relative pronoun can be the subject or the object of the relative clause. Relative pronouns adjective clauses whose vs of which vs of whom subject exercises. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using that or who and a relative clause.

Tenses printable pdf worksheets for english language learners intermediate level b1. Restrictive relative clauses a relative clause is defining when its input is necessary to understand the noun it explains. Bill clinton was the president wife was called hillary. A clause is a group of words consisting of a noun and a verb which may or may not be a complete sentence. Intermediate english grammar course relative clauses. Relative pronouns introduce subordinate clauses functioning as adjectives. Defining relative clauses 1 in pdf here defining relative clauses 2 in pdf here defining relative clauses 3 in pdf here defining relative clauses 4 in pdf here go to the main relative clauses explanation page here. Note that a non restrictive relative clause is not necessary for the identification of the noun. Restrictive clauses limit or identify such nouns and cannot be removed from a sentence without changing the sentences meaning. It isnt essential for understanding who or what we are. Defining relative clauses are not put in commas imagine, tom is in a room with five girls. Defining and nondefining relative clauses who, whom, whose, which, that.

We use relative clauses to to join two sentences or to add information to a sentence. My birthday, which i celebrated with my friends, was a great success. The complete phrase modified noun phrase plus modifying relative clause is also a noun phrase. Relative pronouns such as, who, what, which, when, where, that, are used to begin relative clauses. Restrictive and nonrestrictive adjective clauses exercise. If you dont know about these clauses, please read about them in the given link and then attempt the restrictive and nonrestrictive adjective clauses exercise given below. Relative clauses might not sound too exciting, but these simple words can help you sound a lot more fluent. This type of clause is separated from the main clause by commas. Relative pronoun that is followed by billie, and she is the subject of the relative clause, so we can drop the that. For this reason, some textbooks refer to restrictive. A restrictive clause provides information that is pertinent or essential to the meaning of the sentence. A nonrestrictive clause, on the other hand, describes a noun in a nonessential way.

A restrictive relative clause is one that serves to restrict the reference of the noun phrase modified. A collection of english esl relative clauses worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach about. Make one sentence by changing the sentence in italics into a defining relative clause. I broke the plate which that was a wedding present. The information is essential in order to understand what or who is being referred to. Restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses provides information that relates to the main clause.